Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I am not your natural "Tentist"

Day 4+5 (as no wifi yesterday)
Km ridden: 700 (about 350 per day)
Current location: Öland (yesterday), Jönköping (today)
McDonald's Milkshakes consumed: 1

Well yesterday Vanessa and I decided to give "tenting" a go.  I'm not your natural camping person.  Vanessa however camped a lot when she was younger.  As she is still alive, I guess it can't be all that bad and why not give it a go?

Well it actually wasn't that bad.  We woke up yesterday in Malmö and got the map out.  On the western coast of southern Sweden is a medium sized island called "Öland".  Thinking that it must be a typical Swedish holiday destination we sped off in that general direction.  The "motorways" here are certainly odd.  The speed limits are ridiculously low, with some 110km/h streches, but most of it is set to 90km/h.   This is actually fairly pleasant and gives you a lot of time to look around at scenery.  Which is basically pine as far as the eye can see.  I guess that would explain Ikea then...

The island itself was caravan city.  The things were everywhere.  However once we'd managed to park up and get the tent out, things became a bit more relaxed.  The chairs were unpacked and the first beers were opened.

All was well until it was time to eat.  Then it was time to unpack that BASTARD of a miniture grill set.  The design is simple.  Basically a gas bottle with a spout on the top on to which you place the required pans.  Whilst it is supposed to be adjustable, it appears to only have 2 settings.  On, or Chernobyl.

Attemping to cook 2 Chicken breasts on this thing left me with some nasty burns when the oil decided it liked my hand better than the pan, and after cooking the bejezus out of them for about 20 minutes, it managed to be both burnt and raw at the same time.  Methinks it's probably better to stick to restaurants in the future.

Later that evening we sat in the bar by the beach and watched the sun slowly set.  It was really a lovely evening.  Just a shame we both slept like shit, otherwise I could probably have recommended "tenting".

1 comment:

  1. Camping is GREAT FUN! Glad to see you getting into it! :)
