Thursday, July 19, 2012

Let's get ready to rumble.....

When you're young(er), packing is a simple matter of throwing stuff in a bag.  When one gets older it's more a case of grabbing the Passport and Credit card and just dealing with things as they come.

On a motorbike however, things get a "little" bit more complicated.  Our 2 bikes have to cope with enough clothing for 2 people for a month and a tent for when we can't find a hotel (as well as all the sleeping stuff).  Of course, when you've gone that far the question is, why stop there?

Soooo, for the odd occasion when we do camp, we've also got a complete mini kitchen, camping chairs, swimimng gear, etc, etc.  For those days when I don't want to get completely drenched should it rain (and lets face it, it will) we also need rain suits and I'm taking my Goretex biking Jacket and Trousers for those days when I don't fancy running around dressed head to toe in leather.

So pretty much everything is packed now.  I'm fairly sure that this lot won't fit in the back of our car, so I've got no idea how we're going to get it on the bikes.  Tomorrow we have the joy of cleaning the flat and trying somehow to secure everything to the bikes.  Saturday morning at 7am we start the engines, and god help us if we've forgotten anything....

My one regret is that Vanessa won't let me bring the BBQ......


  1. Camping Kitchen?!?!? Isn't that why god invented Restaurants?

  2. If there was a Restaurant, then there would also probably be a hotel somewhere....
